HTTrack is an offline browser accessory that allows you to download a world wide website from the Internet to your desired local directory.
Simply put, HTTrack mirrors the target website and just saves it to the desired local directory.
The httrack allows you to take a mirror of the target. So, you will not directly interact with the target. If you directly interact with the target there are many possibilities that you will get caught by the sensors like the IDS and IPS.
First, we'll copy a website using the command line tool. This can take some time depending on the size of your site. The command to make the copy is:
Where SITE_URL is the actual URL of the website you want to copy and LOCALDIRECTORY is the directory on your local drive to store the copy. Once the command completes, you will see the newly created clone under LOCALDIRECTORY. You can start working with this clone without affecting your production site.
CLI Examples:
This is an amazing tool and there is also another tool called webhttrack. The difference between webhttrack and httrack is the web format and the command line interface.
As long as you're not trying to download a WordPress site, httrack or webhttrack will do a great job of downloading a clone of your site so you can debug, backup, or whatever your needs are.