DeepSound is a steganography tool and audio converter that hides secret data into audio files. The application also enables you to extract secret files directly from audio files or audio CD tracks, supports AES-256 encryption and allows you to insert a password to extract the hidden files.
System requirements:
- Windows XP SP3/Vista/7/8/10;
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.
1. Run DeepSound and click Open carrier files to select the audio file;
2. Select the audio file and click Open;
3. Click Add secret files to add the file(s) that will be hidden "inside" the .mp3 file;
4. Select any file you want, in this example select a PDF file;
5. Click Encode secret files to hide the file(s);
6. Note the Output directory line, directory where the audio file along with the PDF will be saved;
7. Check Encrypt secret files (AES 265) and enter a password to encrypt and protect the file.
8. To open the file just click on Open carrier files again and select the MP3 file;
9. Then enter the password you had set and click Ok;
10. Note that in the last block of DeepSound the name of the hidden file is displayed;
11. Click Extract secret files to extract the file.